With a crying and a smiling eye we are announcing today the end of X-Vivo. We’ve had a meeting altogether and commonly agreed it’s time to say goodbye to our little baby.
At first we want to say, we are very thankful for the great times we’ve had with the band and everything that comes around with it. There were so many breakpoints which could have ended this journey so much earlier. But we have made it until here in our very own way and we are very proud of it.
Well, there are various and to be honest, the last 2,5 years we didn’t do music at all together. It would be too easy to blame corona crisis for it, but indeed it didn’t help. Being out of the routine of rehearsals and meetings had its impact and we simply lost the pace. Moreover over the years, our lives already have changed before and being part of a band demands a lot of effort, power and time. And this is something we cannot give anymore at the scale it would be necessary for X-Vivo, besides a full time job, a family, other responsibilities and various issues. We decided, before we do something with half a heart, we better let it go in dignity.
Since it’s not uncommon for us to do things different than others, we also keep the habit this time: We want to say goodbye with a final new song (äääh what???). It’s actually the last song, for which we have managed to fully finish recordings before corona kicked in and it has quite a fitting name ‘Nothing left to say‘. We will release it in a couple of days and let you know.
We want to say thank you to everyone who joined us all the years: All friends, families, fans, prior band members, other bands we have played with, helping hands etc. The list would be endless and we don’t want to bore you with name droppings. You know your value for us. Thanks for being a part!
With much love and mixed feelings, we bow down a last time for you
| Dima Alina Olli Kai Alex | X-Vivo